You gotta rig the models thou they are pretty good and i use them often as dummy elements in my games you cannot modify them thou, but you can use the geometry in your game or can use the figure as starting point to model yours (without using it as base, this is not legal.can't change the face and say that this is your model lol).
Curious labs poser 7 license#
I can send to anyone that is interested the folder with the make and female figures included the license I've checked on the original site from zygote and can't find the link anymore anyway the folder has a license, totally legal. Poser itself is different from the content bought everywhere else.their basic models sucks, that's why everyone gets DAZ stuff or Rendo so i would read the license for each item that you buy (there are many artists that makes models free of charge or for other applications other than the poser renders (games, modifiable, etc) And that is limited to only "unrestricted content"
Curious labs poser 7 pro#
Be careful with the license of content you are using from Poser.ĪFAIK only Poser Pro allows for use of content in a real-time context such as games.